The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World
The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World
Fr Denis Fahey
Professionally recorded. The full word-for-word audio narrative of one of Father Fahey's most important writings.
Here are some of the highlights:
The theology of history + The Christian organization of society + The modern revolt against the Divine Plan + Thirteenth century Europe a concrete example of the Divine Plan + The Lutheran revolt and the division of Christendom + Protestantism attacks the priesthood and leads to State Absolutism + The shameful lukewarmness of Catholics + The corruption of the news industry + Today's journalists are intellectual prostitutes + Jewish and Masonic Financiers pull the strings + The truth must be fearlessly proclaimed + The Vicar of Christ was excluded from the Masonic League of Nations + The great upheavals taking place in the world are proceeding according to a plan + Capitalism and Communism are weapons of Jewish nationalism + Bankers behind the Bolshevik Revolution + The deification of man + The world's enslavement under a Masonic World Republic + Modern society under Satan's influence + The Rights of Man versus the Rights of God + Democracy true and false (Aquinas vs. Rousseau) + Modern systems of education are unsound + Socialism + Agents of Revolution + The Talmud and Kabbala + Pantheism + Jewish dominance of International Finance + Apostasy + Church, culture and civilization + The Syllabus of Errors + The modern struggle around the Kingship of Christ + Knowledge and Grace + Justice and reason forbid the State to be godless + The great concentration of capital + The imperialism of money + Catholic ideals + Catholic Action is necessary + Catholic guilds + Society's duty to Christ the King + The struggle of the Jewish Nation against the true Messiah + The Antichrist + Modernism ... ...and much, much more.
Tags: The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, Audio